The curtain has opened on the second season.
Miracle and all the other members of of PathTLive have safely made it to the main ADEN seed competition for the Virtual Grid Awards.
However, their celebrations are short lived as their next challenge is waiting just around the corner.
Their next assignment from the academy is a unit battle!!
Are cracks about to appear in the bonds holding PathTLive together?
An encounter with a strong, new foe.
Parting ways with friends.
Fraying bonds between Miracle and her friends
What will Miracle and the others learn from this?
What is the fate of PathTLive?!
Miracle is a student of ADEN Academy of the virtual world. She has been admiring Kizuna AI and she wants to become a virtual artist just like her. And the day of her first performance at school has finally come! Miracle left home with a very anxious look, and she arrived at the greenhouse inside the school facility. Then Miracle found a boy standing mysteriously there. When she was about to talk to him, he just offered her a cup of tea. To her surprise she became calm and had a relaxed time. Then she realized that she won't make it to the class on time. She rushed to her class. The curtain for her first performance went up...
Miracle has always wished to be like Kizuna AI, even if it's only a small step towards her. She tried hard and completed her performance. But she realised her lack of ability. She was completely depressed. But after she viewed the video of Kizuna AI's performance, She stepped into the new area of ADEN Academy. Miracle met a rather round shaped Avatar "Marumaru" (Miracle named it) . And Miracle had a nap. When she woke up there was some kind of presence, she saw a girl whom she had never seen before. Her name was Chris and she said, "I am interested in you, Miracle".
The entry for the Virtual Grid Award, where the Lapin d'Or - the highest honor of the Virtual Grid Award, has started. At the first round of the competition, you need to perform a song which was given, and you need to get into the top 15. ADEN Academy allows students to change the lyrics of the required song. When Miracle discovered the rules, she tried to figure out how to perform the song and find the clue to be in the top 15 with Chris at the school and then release the video. And one day Miracle was called by another student called Noelle.
Miracle was criticized by a popular virtual artist, Noelle as her performance is a half finished one. Miracle was depressed but she realized that she was not serious enough, so she started working even harder. In the process of working, with the encouragement of her friend Chris and Marumaru, Miracle realized that she is not good at talking during her performance. To overcome her lack of ability to talk, Miracle started to release videos talking with Chris. But she couldn't choose the words nicely and the live video almost became an accident. Miracle was totally broken, and she was heading towards the greenhouse again where she went on the day of her first performance.
Miracle has been releasing her live streaming with her best efforts to get a place on the first round of "Virtual Grid Award". Finally, the number of her views on her account increased and she expected her ranking to be up as well. Then she faced reality. When she is taking a break there is someone who comes straight to her. It was Noelle who once told her harsh comments on Miracle's live streaming. Noelle took Miracle somewhere without even giving her any choice. Where they ended up was the lesson room at the ADEN Academy...
Noelle taught Miracle how important it is that the music and virtual artist have a bond. Miracle gave her best performance ever after Noelle's advice. The viewers were impressed by her performance and the ranking of her account got better. Miracle got more confident compared to before and she started to think about how to make her own lyrics to the given song. Miracle suggested that Noelle should also write her own lyrics, but Noelle could not go for it since she is so trapped by herself from her past and she wanted to be perfect.
All of a sudden, Chris told Miracle and others, "I am going to go on a trip to find myself ". And she was gone somewhere. Miracle and friends felt strange and also realized that Chris is quite a mysterious figure. They started to do some research about Chris, and it was Noelle's idea. But when they see Chris's account in the past, they are more confused and the mystery becomes even deeper. After one week Miracle received an email from Chris. When Miracle saw Chris, she looked totally messed up. What had happened to her...
People loved Noelle's performance and she gained great support. Her ranking was in the top 10. Chris's live streaming has also been getting popular and very close to being the first-round winner. On the other hand, Miracle has been struggling. Then one day the girls started to talk about the school event called "Ultimate". It is a race using Vogel board. The event seems like nothing to do with the Virtual Grid Award, but the girls thought it actually is a great opportunity to gain attention from everyone at ADEN Academy. It means if Miracle succeeded in this race, then she could have a chance to turn around her situation.
It was about time to do the race called, "Ultimate" which is the game run by XR technology course students at ADEN Academy. The winner will be given an opportunity to perform on the special stage. Miracle and the girls were so excited as they believed this is a great chance to make their ranking get better. But the race was actually quite a tough game. Riz, who is super smart and strong, became the one who was successful from the beginning. Who will be no.1 in the end?
Sadly, Miracle couldn't win the first prize at the race "Ultimate". That means she couldn't gain the great opportunity to do the performance in front of the entire school. Miracle panicked and she was seeking advice from her friends. Liz criticized Miracle saying, "You are always relying on someone. You don't even have your own identity”. With her bad ranking on her live streaming, and harsh words from Liz, Miracle totally lost her own performance. Chris and Noelle were both worried about Miracle. They said, " It's totally not you, Miracle". But Miracle's live streaming is only going down with Miracle's own doubt.
Miracle finished writing her original lyrics. Miracle recovered from her own loss and now she smiles amazingly. Chris and the girls were relieved by her big smile and her comeback. But Marumaru had mixed feelings towards Miracle. Marumaru is still not showing the interest in joining the Virtual Grid Award. But Miracle suspects that Marumaru might be secretly interested in participating in it. Then there was news that there is a virtual streaming event called "Shower of Sound Festa". The participants are only allowed if you are a unit of two. So, Miracle tried to persuade Marumaru to join the event with her.
"Virtual Grid Award" is now totally heating up. Miracle was almost getting into the safe zone and trying to be in the best 15 with a last push. Miracle set up "PathTLive", consisting of Chris, Noelle, Riz, Quan, who is a new friend, and herself, to perform a live collaboration. The girls were so excited then the school changed the live's rules. The girls realized that they are not in a good position for the live performance and they start fighting each other. PathTLive faces it's break up already...
"The main ADEN seed competition for the Virutal Grid Awards begins!Beginning with Miracle, all of the members of PathTLive safely made it through the pre-selection and are reminiscing about the encounters and the numerous trials that they have faced to get to this point. However, for some reason, Quan seems out of sorts. Meanwhile, Auris, headmaster at ADEN academy, explains the rules of the main ADEN seed contest, which affords the winners the right to participate in the Virtual Grid Awards. Miracle and the other members of PathTLIve, who couldn't hide their suprise at the what Auris told them, found themselves in front of those who had finished towards the top of the rankings in the preliminary competition..."
It has been decided that the judgement criteria for the Virtual Grid Award ADEN seed finals will be a 'Unit Battle'. While Miracle naturally wants to participate with the other four members of PathTLive, each member has their own feelings about what to do. Against this backdrop, Quan is invited to join BRT5, a strong unit comprised of top ranking members. Quan, who posseses a strong desire to change, worries about the path that she should take. PathTLive or BRT5? Which will Quan choose? At the same time, someone unexpected reaches out to Miracle.
Miracle, Chris, Noelle and Riz have come together to watch a BRT5 stream. To their surprise, Quan was unveiled as a new member of BRT5. Miracle, who had taken it for granted that PathTLive would complete in the ADEN seed finals as a unit, could not hide her upset. Seperately, Chris was dealing with her own complex feelings. In the midst of their gloominess, Miracle receives a message from an unexpected source. Miracle is invited to a specific place and invites Chris to follow her.
Quan has mixed feelings about Noelle joining BRT5. Noelle, who grew up in an elite family, had overcome her complex towards her own family through her involvement with Miracle……or so she thought. However, influenced by Quan, Noelle is struck once again by the complex that she was sure she had overcome. Riz contacts her, noticing that something is off. Where does Riz take Noelle..?! Meanwhile, Quon feels refreshed, but ends up watching Miracle and Niska's live collaboration.
Miracle and Niska perform live together, which leaves all members of BRT5 with mixed feelings. While BRT5 seem disjointed at first glance, they are all heading towards the same goal. Against this backdrop, ADEN's culture festival 'CHEER UP' kicks off. As the name suggests, the culture festival also served as an event to support the ADEN Seed qualifiers. The qualifiers participate in games together, collaborate with one another in live performances and amicably spend time in each other's company despite being rivals. Zoe and BRT5's Sarah are actually childhood friends...
Miracle, who had been enjoying the culture festival with Chris, Noelle and Riz, is approached by Sofia who wants to tag along with them. However, for some reason, Chris reacts negatively and refuses the request. Meanwhile, in a card game developed by students on the XR technology course, Riz and Sofia will face off. It's a battle of the wits between Riz, who researches and analyzes everything, and Sofia, who has been active as a programer since she was a young girl. What sort of chemical reactions will it throw up?
While the ADEN culture festival is in full swing, Niska is alone running a brush across a canvas. She was remembering how Jessie told her she couldn't forgive her for leaving BRT5. Ximena realises that Jessie still is unable to accept that Niska left the group. Ximena invites Jessie to perform together with her, tells her how important it is to express how she feels, and helps her to communicate her feelings to Niska. Meanwhile, Quan is gradually being accepted by the members of BRT5, but something is still bothering her…
The culture festival after-party is about to begin. As part of it the "Butterfly Fire" event will be held. The data from the culture festival will be set upon the wings of a butterfly and deleted, like a funeral. It is said that if you write a wish on the butterfly and delete it then your wish will come true. Miracle and the girls write their own wishes on the butterflies. Other qualifiers were also devising their own desires at the after-party. Against this backdrop, Miracle makes a decision, inspired by her idol Kizuna Ai. Also, the units that will be entered into the finals are ultimately decided.
MIracle's wish is granted and Quan rejoins PathTlive! Finally, it is time for the unit battle as part of Virtual Grid Awards' ADEN Seed finals to begin. The headmaster of the academy, Auris, announces the running order. VICONIC is chosen to go first, a unit comprised of the duo, Thea and Jua. You can expect great things from this pairing, who have been friends since childhood, care deeply for one another and have cultivated their craft through hard work.
Second up at the ADEN Seed finals is 3DM8, a three-piece unit comprised of Sofia, Zoe and Ximena. Different to VICONIC, who have been friends since childhood, this group met at ADEN and were formed specifically to get through the competition. Sofia, the brains of the group, posesses extraordinary skills and insight which she displays through actions like proposing suprising training methods. While Ximena is moved by the over-zealous Sofia, Zoe is entirely unimpressed. These girls just can't seem to get along.
Next up to perform after VICONIC and 3DM8 is PathTLive! Having witnessed the performances of the previous two highly accomplished units, Miracle and the girls are nervous but excited. The feelings of PathTLive members align in perfect harmony as they continue to create music together right up until the day of the performance. Meanwhile, in the headmaster's office , tension is brewing between Auris and Ada who have opposite ideas about the criteria that should be used to evaluate the competitors. Ultimately, emotions spill over between the two. Is this the biggest problem since the formation of PathTLive?! The bonds between the participating members save PathTLive from their crisis.
ADEN's network is subject to a cyber attack by an unknown entity and PathTLive, who were just about to finish their song, have all of their data deleted. Moreover, Miracle and the girls become unable to leave the venue. In order to escape, they risk all of thier memories and indeed their very existence. MIracle and the girls are faced with a decision. Which path will they take? And what will become of the ADEN seed finals?
Kizuna Ai
Kizuna Ai
Character Draft
Directed by
Series Composition
DEKO AKAO comment
Character Design
Chief Animation Director
Prop Design
Color Design
Art Director
Fine Art Setting
CG Director
Sound Director
Sound Effects
Animation Production
PV production
◆amazon:mirAI wave!メガジャケ